I received this request in a very pure, very direct way. A demand. A call ? Your intimacy is definitely a key subject while talking about the choice of your outfit. Unfortunately, we do not always dare to point out and speak about these subjects. You know, I’m talking about business but above all, I’m talking about you. So this question is also for you.
Here are some tips and tricks and thinking for you too to feel “sexier” !
For you
What does it mean to be sexy ? This definition reminds us that we are in constant interaction with each other.
In your social relationships, you seduce. By the words, by the behaviour, by your person, you attract or put a limit to your interlocutor. Your body, your person speaks beyond words.
In a professional or private environment, you set the limits. The definition of being sexy is up to you.
Your approach, your look, your message are personal. So the codes are yours.
In a private sphere, raising this request works out with the following reasons such as a break-up, being parents, geographical distance.
Have you ever experienced wanting to dress “sexier” ?
For her
In order to find the sexy outfit that suits you, I invite you to combine masterpieces and fabrics. A sexy outfit suggests. The dress is your masterpiece. Pair it with pumps that enhance you. The 15 centimetres high are not mandatory. Put on comfortable shoes while thinking that a heel will help you stand straighter to, more naturally, reveal your assets. Do you prefer jeans ? The cut that enhances you do exist. Would you show your ankles ? Roll up the bottom or choose it shorter.
For him
Being sexy is all about attitude, not body type. It's a state of mind.
Well, the list is long. Think about the priority : you have to feel comfortable, you have to stay who you are. Your radiance comes from inside to better expresse itself outside. If the gaze of others can destabilize you or reassure you, this inner strength, this self-confidence is a universal secret to feel sexier. But then, would actually be sexy a state of mind ? Would you agree ?
Your questions always inspire me ! Thank you, Ladies & Gentleman, for your daily inspiration. Carry on !